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Liquid antifreeze SIKACIM 0,5L – 30L


Antifreeze additive for mortar and concrete
Liquid additive used for the production of mortar and concrete at low temperatures. Does not contain chloride.

– Improves handling without increasing water.
– Water reduction without loss of handling.
– Increases the frost resistance of fresh concrete.

À partir de 24,00


Antifreeze additive for mortar and concrete
Liquid additive used for the production of mortar and concrete at low temperatures. Does not contain chloride.

  • Improves handling without increasing water.
  • Water reduction without loss of handling.
  • Increases the frost resistance of fresh concrete.


  • Antifreeze additive used to protect concrete that may be exposed to ambient temperatures as low as -6°C / -8°C.
  • It is used for all work where there is a slight chill during the day and where frost is expected at night, or where cold spells threaten.


  • Improved handling without increasing water.
  • Water reduction without loss of handling.
  • Increased frost resistance of fresh concrete.
  • Improved strength and waterproofing.


  • 30 kg barrel and 0.5 L bags


  • Clear liquid

Chemical basis :
Special salts

Storage :
24 months from the date of manufacture, in well-sealed and undamaged original containers.

Storage conditions :
In a cool, dry place, protected from frost and excessive cold, at a temperature between +5°C and +30°C.

Density :
About 1.25 kg/l (at 20ºC)

pH :
About 7

Consumption :

Recommended dosage
1% of the weight of the cement.


Weight N/A

0,5 l, 30 l


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