15 m PVC joint SIKA 0-22/2 for joints


Sika PVC tape is a thermoplastic tape with excellent elasticity, high tensile strength and high elongation at break.

289,99 TTC

Sika PVC tape is a thermoplastic tape with excellent elasticity, high tensile strength and high elongation at break. USES :

  • Sika PVC tape is used in concrete to seal construction and expansion joints. It differs from other waterproofing products in that it is installed where the concrete is to be laid and takes over the waterproofing function once the concrete has hardened. as soon as the concrete has hardened.
  • Depending on the type of Sika PVC tape, it can be used for low expansion joints or medium to high expansion joints in hydraulic and underground structures such as: pools, reservoirs, dams, weirs, channels, tunnel linings, basements. It replaces metal sheets with practical, technical and economic advantages.


  • Ribs that provide an effective seal against the passage of water.
  • High elasticity.
  • Specially designed for all types of construction joints in hydraulic structures.
  • Withstands water pressures of up to 2 kg/cm2.
  • Easy to weld.
  • No physical or chemical reaction with concrete.
  • Resistant to ageing.
  • More resistant than concrete to corrosive liquids.


  • Sika PVC tape cannot be overlapped. To weld, heat the ends with a metal tool (spatula, trowel) until the PVC melts. Immediately press the two ends to be joined together and the weld is made.


  • Indefinite time inside
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